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Queen Marie Antoinette was France’s last queen before the people overthrew the monarchy in France. She became queen in 1774 at the tender age of eighteen. She was married to Louis, the heir of France in order to end the conflict the French and the Austrians had. After she got married, she moved to France to live with Louis. Once in France she had to learn the formalities and etiquette. She had trouble doing so which lead to her have very few friends at court. Not long after she arrived, Marie became the focus of gossip and rumors. Her expensive spending habits didn’t help the situation at all, she would tend to buy four to five new dresses each week. In 1789 the people of France were begging for food. They started calm but eventually they got extremely angry and stormed her bedroom. Her family tried to escape but were captured as well. Her and her family were thrown in jail. Marie was beheaded on October 16 1793.

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