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  • No allowance

  • Making me mow the lawn

  • Yell too much

  • Don’t listen

  • Assume things don’t change

  • Thinks minors have it easy

  • Assume we know how to do things

  • Expects everything to be done perfectly the first time

  • Constantly criticizes us

  • Cause stress

  • Don’t care about other’s ideas when it comes to parenting

  • Expect to much

  • Sets unreachable standards, and the gets mad when standards aren’t met

  • No consideration for emotions

  • Expects home to be kept perfectly clean when they arrive

  • Force us to make our bed

  • Push us too much

  • If something happens it’s instantly our fault regardless of the circumstances

  • Think we have “problems” so instead of them helping us they take us to a physiatrist

  • Instead of helping us answer a question they tell us to just look it up online.

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