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2) How did one invention lead to another?

The purpose for machines is to make things easier, so the invention of one machine was generally to improve upon a previous machine. For example the spinning jenny was invented to make weaving cloth faster than the flying shuttle.

3) Why were factories called sweatshops?

Factories were called sweatshops because they were humid buildings where the windows would be closed in order to prevent the cloth from getting dirty. This type of environment caused workers to sweat a lot, hence the name sweatshops.

4) Why were factories kept warm & humid?

Factories were kept warm and humid because this type of environment prevented the cloth from breaking.

5) What illnesses resulted from factory work?

Tuberculosis, eye inflammations, deafness, & mouth cancers were all common to people who worked in factories.

6) Why was there a substantial incidence of disability, disfigurment, and death in factories?

Death, disability, and disfigurment occured often due to the fact that the machines were dangerous and deadly.

7) Why were children disired as employee's?

Childrene were disired as employee's for a number of reasons, one of the main ones was the fact that they could be payed less than adults. Another main reason was the fact that they were smaller and could reach into placeds adults couldn't such as underneath & in between the machines.

8) What tasks did children prefrom in factories?

Children would often sweep under the machines and change the bobbins of thread when they were empty. They would also unjam machines whenever they would get jammed.

9) What was the impact of long-term factory employment of children?

Permenent disfigurment and disabilty would often me the result of many years of factory labor, not accidental injury.

10) How had time & the work day changed?

In agricultureal work the work day was goverened by the patterns of life and nature itself, but in factories the work day was goverened by the clock and time.

11) What was the impact of factory work on the worker?

There were many negative impacts of factory work on the workere suuch as illnes, disability, de-humanization, and sometimes even death.


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