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Enough is enough, me and my family are starving. For years we’ve let the other two estates walk all over us and it is beyond, about time we stood up to them. I work day and night, my back aches from all the time I spend in the field, and it must also pain many of you who i’m speaking to now. We all suffer in starvation while the king and his god-awful wife get to live it up. And not only do the clergy and noblemen, no they stuff themselves with food, the food we farmers make. They eat and eat and eat until they can’t eat anymore, then they throw away the food. I know I am not the only one whose witness such ridiculousness, many of us have seen food be thrown out from the castle, good food being wasted while we starve, it is far past ridiculous. Enough is enough, it is time we stand up for what is right, it is time we stand up for our rights, no who’s with me?


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