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Enlightenment Mini-Q's

1. What two centuries were the centuries of Pilosophes?

The late 17th and 18th centuries were the centuries of Philosophes.

2. What did Philosophes hope to accomplish? 

Philosophes hoped to discover new ways to improve and understand their society.

3. What two tools or skills did the Philosophes believe are nessicary to find out the truth of things?

Philosophes believed that with nature and reasoning man could answer any question placed before them.

4. What is another name for the enlightenment period?

The enlightenment period was often called the Age Of Reason because philosophes believed that with enough reason given to them by god oor nature, man could answer any question. 

5. How did Isaac Newton inspire Philosophes?

Isaac Newton inspred Philosophes because Newton developed and understood a previously unknown force that he later named gravity through nature and reasoning. Many Philosophes thought that if there were laws to be discovered through nature and reasoning about the universe then there must be laws to be discovered about socialization. 

6. Define these terms:

Philosophes-(Noun) Thinkers who believed in discoveries through science rather than the traditional belifes that religion offered.

Natrual Law-(Noun) Truths that excist and that people might not always recognize.

Universal-(Adj) Applies to every situation. 

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