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1. Why might it be said that Germany deserved a fair deal?
This could be said because during the treaty of Versailles Germany was blamed for everything, and had to pay for the whole war even though they were not the only one’s who caused it.
2. Why was giving extra land to Germany dangerous?Giving Germany more land was dangerous because it allowed Germany to think they could do whatever they wanted and because of this they did. In addition to that, allowing Germany more land provided them with more troops for the war.
3. Appeasement meant Britain and France gave Hitler what he wanted why was this a bad idea?
This was a bad idea because it gave Hitler the idea that he could get whatever he wanted without being stopped or opposed so he just kept taking whatever he wanted.
4. What did the policy of appeasement give Britain a chance to do?
Appeasement bought Britain time which allowed them to strengthen their armies.
5. Is there any evidence to suggest appeasement was a popular idea in 1938?
Yes, in 1938 public opinion was against war, and the tactic used to not go to war was appeasement.
6. What did people want to avoid another war?
People wanted to avoid another war because many of them still remembered how horrible the first world war was. Nobody wanted to go through that again so everyone wanted to avoid war as much as possible.
7. Appeasement meant a strong German leader was supported how did this benefit Britain and France?
This supported Britain and France because it meant they avoided communism.
8. With the policy of appeasement, the USSR became worried what was the result of this?
Because the USSR became worried they began to make deals with Hitler.
9. Why should the politicians of 1938 have realised Hitler would not keep to his promises at the Munich Conference?
They should’ve realized he wasn’t going to keep his promises because he had made his plans very clear. In addition to that, Hitler also broke the Versailles treaty, and there was nothing preventing him from breaking his new promises.

Neville Chamberlain Speach

“You have absolutely no right to be angry. Being Prime Minister is not a simple job where you make black and white decisions, although you certainly wouldn’t know about any of that considering you lost the election. I just went over and avoided another, and you're angry. Do you forget what happened in the last world war? Millions of people died, thousands more injured, and I can assure you that no one in their right mind would ever want to go through something like that again.”

Winston Churchill Speach

“You must out of your mind if you think that actually avoided a war by doing what you did. By giving in to what he wanted you have now told him that he can get whatever he wants simply by asking. If you give a stray dog food he comes back for more, if you give him nothing he moves on. You, Chainberland need to grow a damn backbone and tell Hitler that he can’t get what he wants, or else he’s just going to walk all over us.”

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