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Da Vinci Original


The scuba gear is one of the most useful inventions we have today. It allows to dive deep underwater and discover brand new organisms, and learn more about our world. What many don’t know is that the diving suit was first thought of hundreds of years ago by Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci was fascinated by the world around especially about what was in the water so he began his plans for the diving suit. His version is much different than the one we use today. in his original design the part for the head was simply a bag. Also the tubes for the air came out of the front of the mask and curved back around, and the air that was supplied came from up above so the farthest distance you could go down was limited by the length of the tubes. After his death, Da Vinci’s ideas were reviewed and changed until we got two inventions that originated from him. The first is the diving suit, which took some aspect of the original, such as the steel rings designed for water pressure. The second is scuba gear, which took the aspect of the tubes and turned the idea into a piece of equipment for a recreational activity, rather than for research. Whether you like scuba gear or the diving suit you have Leonardo to thank for them.


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