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What is History 

               Its was a warm night, the exact date escapes me at the moment. I was five years old riding on the hamack in my backyard. My two older cousins were pushing the hamock back and forth. One was eleven, and the other was eigth. All of use were so ignorant about the consequence of our actions. It was a family gathering, all my aunts and uncles were sitting on the patio eating, leaving us unsupervised. I was having so much fun, so I asked my cousins to push the hamock faster and faster. They having fun too seeing their younger cousin with a smile on his face, so they obliged. The hammock moved faster and faster and for a split second I forgot to hold on. I was instantaneously hurled outward and downward, the contact o the ground to my face did not stop the momentum carrying me forward. The friction pealed off the skin on the left side of my face. I don't remember any noise for all sound in the world had been pushed back in other to make room for my endless screech. The skin took weeks to heal, but for a while it felt kind of cool to walk around with those scars on my face, it was a way of bragging the fact that I went through that and lived. I made sure to capture a picture of my screwed up face in order to immortalize my  ego, so that even after the scars healed I could walk around with the picture and still say "I went trough that"

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